As humanity’s influence continued to clash against established races such as the gnomes, dwarves, and countless others; so too did the influence of the Church. As literacy became more common, humanity’s interest in early time periods flourished. This perhaps can be seen most clearly in the Varrock Museum, which became a hub of cultural activity in the year 19. The Church of Saradomin, worried that some historical events and ideas could contradict the teachings of their god, began to more strictly control the spread of information, as well as further oppress other religions, particularly Zamorakians. This meant that many true historical texts and artefacts were lost.Runescape Gold.
Humanity’s dependence on runes and the magic they provided naturally created a vast interest in the subject. As wizards became more commonplace, humanity’s understanding and control of magic increased. The art developed beyond simple combat, eventually becoming an integral part of society’s day-to-day living. Despite opposition from more traditional individuals or societies, magic would continue to advance under the study of wizards in places such as the Wizards’ Tower and the Mage Training Arena.
For 70 years, human’s thoughts and ways of life were revolutionised and advanced at an unprecedented rate, creating a series of kingdoms larger than any Gielinor had seen in more than 12,000 years. The dependence of the kingdoms on runes, though, would prove to be a tower without a stable foundation. In the year 70, an attempt to perfect teleportation backfired when Saradominists withdrew from the ritual halfway through, causing an explosion that destroyed the first tower and taking with it the secret of Runecrafting buried within the contents of the Tower’s library. Despite the involvement of wizards of all religious backgrounds and the Saradominists causing the explosion, Zamorakian wizards were subsequently blamed for the damage, ending a period of harmony between wizards of all religious backgrounds and setting Saradomin as the only permitted religion within the new tower.
For almost a hundred years after the Tower’s destruction, humans continued to prosper despite the thinning supply of runes. Culture and science advanced now that thoughts of expansion had diminished. In anticipation of the eventual loss of runestones, alchemists and scientists attempted to advance life in other ways, inventing more conventional means of managing society. As scientists found more mechanical workings in the world’s order, society lost some dependence on the modern teachings of Saradomin, whose thought was that the world’s workings were understood by only him. The Church of Saradomin lost considerable footing as the concept of self-importance grew. Runescape Gold.Secular ideas, though ever-growing, never fully overtook the Church of Saradomin, which continued to hold power rivalling that of many governments. Foreign ideas, such as those of the resurfaced civilisations of Keldagrim, Dorgesh-Kaan, and TzHaar, also took a toll on traditional values and philosophies.
By 169, few knew of the dwindling rune supply, without which hostile races would have been able to overtake the human nations with relative ease. The wizards, though, after almost a hundred years of study, finally rediscovered the secret to runecrafting, once more securing human supremacy in central Gielinor.