In a game like “WildStar,” the more in-game currency you have, the better. Gold gives you the ability to buy high-end items, pay for necessary skills, upgrade the gear you already have and keep your raiding supplies stocked. There are no methods for cheating gold out of the “WildStar” economy that are not prohibited and monitored by the game’s creators, but you can increase your income with a few simple tips. Making gold in “WildStar” is almost a game in of itself.
Learn to work the Auction House. Spotting item trends, buying low and selling high are among the fastest ways to enrich your character. If you can dominate one specific market, such as ores, inscription or gems, you can make plenty of gold. Several add-ons are available that make this process much simpler.
Level a moneymaking profession as high as you can, and pick up a few rare recipes from high-end raid content. If you have exclusive recipes, you can charge a fortune to enhance the weapons and armor of other players.
Work with other players to farm high-end content and retrieve the rare items hidden there. Selling extra greens is an excellent method for a guild to generate income for raiding supplies, since players cannot get those items anywhere else.
Loot everything you kill. It may be faster to skip looting, but if you are killing creatures for daily quests or guild farming, you may as well grab the stuff they drop. You can sell these items to vendors for a small profit, which you will earn for time you had to spend killing.
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