All we know,a player’s fitness is improved by rest and moderate physical exercise, and it worsens with too much exercise and potential injuries. That’s what happens both in real life and FUT 15.However,as the players keep on playing, their fitness level decreases. Resting and specific training can give their ideal fitness back.
The fitness level of a player along a match depends on how much effort he makes. In general, it’s safe to say that it will be higher or lower according to the following factors:
Playing time
A player’s spent fitness is directly proportional to how long he’s on the pitch. If he plays just for one half, he’ll have spent half the fitness he would’ve spent playing 90 minutes. Obviously this isn’t the only factor since there are types of matches that require more or less effort. You can make a substitution if you feel like sparing some player’s fitness, one you’d like to use on the next match, but if you do that you’ll be spending an extra contract. Also, the substitute will have his fitness decreased by the end of the match.
Stamina is different from player to player. It says to you how fast a player’s fitness deplete. It is easy to understand that players with high stamina lose less fitness during the game than the ones with low stamina. For that reason, they finish the game less tired, ie, with a higher fitness level. If you want to see your players running at the end of the matches as they do in the beginning, you should check that they have a good ‘stamina’ IG stat.
Effort made
Players get tired as they make effort. This effort rate is measured in FUT 15 by the amount of meters traversed and the intensity and frequency of the body’s work. Players such as goalkeepers tend to move less around the pitch and usually don’t challenge the ball, therefore spend less of their fitness. This way they’re able to keep on playing for much longer than the average player without having their fitness drastically decreased. Anyway, the effort made by a player depends exclusively on who’s controlling. In that case, yourself.
There are two types of injuries: the ones that make players get substituted during the match and those that just lower their fitness. In the second case, it’s up to you. You can keep him on the pitch or not, knowing that he’s not going to be playing at his best. Even if he stays still on the pitch, the moment he gets into a challenge he’ll have his fitness harshly lowered, especially if that’s against a strong defender. You may want to avoid the most aggressive ones. Normally what causes this kind of injury are sliding tackles from behind. When you abuse a player’s fitness making him travel the same exhausting path every time, you’ll be providing him what’s necessary for a muscular injury to happen.
Work Rate
A player’s work rate, which can’t be altered in FIFA Ultimate Team, affects decisively the amount of fitness points he’s going to lose. It defines the predisposition a player has concerning the different field zones he’s going to occupy. That is how he’s going to behave when you’re not controlling him. It’s independent to the effort made because that one is up to you. Even if you wanted to spare a single player some work, you can’t do anything because the work rate is what determines if he will run or not while he’s not being controlled by you… and you can’t control only one during a match, right?! Players with high work rates, defenders or attackers, are the ones more likely to get tired faster.