Here’s a quick list for reference both to you and GGG about Path of Exile. I will try to keep it short and to the point. Will add any issues I forgot that people remind me of in the comments.
Being Addressed:
- Reduced Net drops from bosses so they interfere less.
- Net throw speed increase.
- Fuzzy targetting for throwing nets (auto-target rarest mob in general vicinity of throw).
- Better beastcrafting recipe order in the list.
- New beastcrafting recipes.
- Improvements to targetted rare beastcrafting recipes to allow choice of base item (including “free scouring”).
- Low frequency of legendary beasts.
- Low health of yellow bestiary beasts.
- Legendary Beasts never generated in Labyrinth instances.
- Necromancy Net doesn’t enable corpse targetting hotkey (might be included as a bug fix, though).
- Necromancy Net does not work on beasts whose corpse was destroyed (might be included as a bug fix, though).
- Inability to disable sounds from net drops.
- Tracking recipes, or some other form of QoL so that you know what specific beasts you find in the wild are used for.
- Can’t filter recipes by beast mods/beast names.
- Warnings for reaching full or near full capacity of specific captured beast types.
- Some type of warning when the beast you are attempting to capture outlevels your currently assigned net.
- Enraged beasts after the net fails should purge damage over time on them like Abyss spires do, to prevent accidental kills if netting fails.
- Beastcrafting rares still largely useless, save for a few specific recipes. (hopefully to be addressed by the last point Chris edited in the announcement).
- Beasts that give access to portals to Spirit Beasts extremely rare, to the point of being much rarer than Lich encounters in early Abyss league even before their frequency fixes.
- Alchemy orbs. (Highly doubt the shortage is due to nets interfering with boss drops only).
- Encroaching Darkness cards and unique map drops in general exceedingly rare compared to previous leagues.