The suit can be accessed in patch 4.3. Images of the dresses have been seen.
Do you want to wear a bunny? Then you are in luck: Final Fantasy XIV director: A Realm Reborn, Naoki Yoshida, has specified in the recent PAX East that players can dress their male characters in rabbit suits. The only thing revealed for now is that the suit will arrive in patch 4.3.
Taking advantage of the expected announcement, Square Enix has shown in images how the costume is to some characters of the successful MMORPG of the Dragon Quest creator studio or the Final Fantasy itself. The editor, for now, has not finalized date yet for the release of patch 4.3 of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.
FFXIV is here on Final Fantasy! Just fill your bank with enough money and get the necessary players and gears to benefit the most from FFXIV. Make sure to gather enough Final Fantasy XIV Gil to enjoy yourself in the new content.